28 Jul 2018, 8:22am
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Uncategorized: British Flute Society diploma in flauto jazz ethno-jazz flauto jazz flute fables Flute quartet fluticity FMR Records Forton Music free sheet music downloads funky funky funky jazz funky jazz gabriele di iorio geoff warren Geoff Warren Quartet groove improvised jazz flute Jazz flute music jazz flute summer school jazz flutemusic La Côte Flûte Festival lorenza summonte marzia del biondo MatRecords skype jazz flute lessons yamaha
by admin
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24 Mar 2013, 5:03pm
Uncategorized: All Flutes Plus Borrello ethno-jazz flauto jazz flute fables Forton Music free sheet music downloads gabriele di iorio geoff warren groove improvised jazz education jazz flute jazz flute summer school jazz flutemusic lorenza summonte marzia del biondo TUTU Records yamaha
by admin

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Uncategorized: All Flutes Plus Borrello ethno-jazz flauto jazz flute fables Forton Music free sheet music downloads gabriele di iorio geoff warren groove improvised jazz education jazz flute jazz flute summer school jazz flutemusic lorenza summonte marzia del biondo TUTU Records yamaha
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Italian Premier of my Flute Quartets
Sunday April 14th at the Sala Baldini Rome my recently published flute quartets:
A Stitch in Time
Eastern Fjords
Toppling Leaves
will be performed by the Fluticity Ensemble:
Marzia Del Biondo, Gabriele Di Iorio, Lorenza Summonte and myself.
The concert is part of the Incontri Musicali Severino Gazzelloni, an annual event dedicated to the flute.